Manny and Mo

Windsor, England


During our stay in London, my boyfriend, Chase and I took a train to Windsor to see the Windsor castle. One of our top things to do was to see a castle, so we were very excited for this day. The castle was absolutely beautiful!!

During our stay in London, my boyfriend, Chase and I took a train to Windsor to see the Windsor castle. One of our top things to do was to see a castle, so we were very excited for this day. The castle was absolutely beautiful!!

I really wanted to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace but I missed the time, luckily the guards changed every hour at Windsor Castle so I saw them change 3 times 🙂 I’m so fascinated by it, it’s really not that interesting but I love how traditional it is.

After we left the castle we decided to walk around the town, the town itself was so quaint and having a view of the castle from a distance was so cool! The river Thames flows through the town, so we decided to walk along the river. We saw one swan and freaked out! We tried to get as many pictures of it until it swam away. As we walked further I saw about 50 swans resting along the edge of the river.. of course I freaked out and ran to them. I don’t know why I was so excited to see swans, I acted as if I’ve never seen a swan in my life. We fed and watched the swans for awhile, we would’ve stayed there all day, it was so peaceful but we didn’t want to miss the last train back to London.

Windsor was my favorite day (Chases too, I think). We couldn’t get over how people live there.. it was such a fantasy for us. Next time I visit, I want to take a boat into Windsor and spend more time wandering.


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