Manny and Mo

Notting Hill, Double Decker Bus Tour, and Greenwich


One of my favorite days in London was when we went to Notting Hill and walked through the portobello market. It was antique heaven!!!!

One of my favorite days in London was when we went to Notting Hill and walked through the portobello market. It was antique heaven!!!! We loved it so much we decided to go twice. After that we took the subway to Regent’s canal. It was very quiet and relaxing. It’s not in many sightseeing books, but I highly recommend going if you have a couple extra hours to kill.

Ever since I watched the movie, What a Girl Wants, I’ve wanted to take a tour in a double decker bus. I know it cheesy but you can see everything from a different angle and if your trip is short it’s a perfect way to see everything in two hours. They do drive pretty fast (I felt like I was on the Knight Bus at times) so if you want to take pictures it’s better to get off at the stop and catch the next bus, they come every 15-20 minutes.

On our last day we took a boat to Greenwich.  While we were there we went to the royal observatory and saw the prime meridian which was super cool! We spent four hours at the observatory!! so we didn’t have time to walk around the town. Looking back I don’t know how we spent soo much time there the museum was fairly small. We were able to eat lunch before we left at a pub (I cant remember the name) that had the best food!!! Since I’m a pescatarian, I eat a lot of veggie burgers at restaurants because it’s usually my only option. Well….this was one of the best veggie burgers I’ve ever had!!!


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