Manny and Mo



A couple weeks ago I traveled to Tulum, Mexico with a group of friends and it was easily one of my favorite vacations. I felt like I was in a dream the whole time; every where I looked was absolutely beautiful and to top it all off I was with my best friends. Traveling with 6 girls, sharing two full beds, one bathroom with a very small mirror could've been a nightmare with the wrong group but we embraced it and left with some great memories (and too many bug bites)

A couple weeks ago I traveled to Tulum, Mexico with a group of friends and it was easily one of my favorite vacations. I felt like I was in a dream the whole time; every where I looked was absolutely beautiful and to top it all off I was with my best friends. Traveling with 6 girls, sharing two full beds, one bathroom with a very small mirror could’ve been a nightmare with the wrong group but we embraced it and left with some great memories (and too many bug bites).

At this point in my life traveling is very important to me, so at the beginning of this year I decided that each year I would travel at least once within the U.S. and once internationally. Each time I travel or do something outside of my comfort zone, I learn more about myself and the world around me. I want to be able to look back on my life and have no regrets… as cheesy and cliche as it sounds.

Growing up I loved listening to my dads stories about his travels and adventures around the world. He always motivated me and wanted me to be able to experience everything that I wanted to… I really want that for my future children. I want to be their example, just like my dad was for me.

I’m happy that I already reached my goal this year. I visited Seattle for the first time in February, Tulum in July … and I’m going to Paris in September and Boston in October!!! I can’t wait!! Any recommendations for Paris would be great 🙂


Here is a video of our trip

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