Manny and Mo

Christmas Tree Decorating


Christmas is my favorite time of the year!!! I start listening to christmas music in November and if I had it my way I would have the apartment decorated too, but Chase wont let me. I wanted to get our tree a couple of days after thanksgiving but chase said it would die before christmas so I waited... very patiently.

Christmas is my favorite time of the year!!! I start listening to christmas music in November and if I had it my way I would have the apartment decorated too, but Chase wont let me. I wanted to get our tree a couple of days after thanksgiving but chase said it would die before christmas so I waited… very patiently. I guess if I had a fake tree I could set it up the day after thanksgiving but I love going to the tree lot, picking out the perfect tree, and bringing it home to decorate. The smell is also heaven!!!

My grandparents started an ornament box for each grandchild when we were born and every christmas they gave us an ornament. When I was younger I didn’t appreciate it as much as I do now, especially since I have my own tree. It’s also nice having unique ornaments that I’ve had for so long and not just a bunch of random ones from target… it feels more special.

Chase and I had a small piece of the trunk of our first tree cut and made it as an ornament. I still need to get it engraved but I love the idea and I can’t wait until we are older to hang it on the tree together and remember our first christmas in our first apartment. My parents have one and watching them get sentimental when hanging it was always so special to me.

– Mo

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