Manny and Mo

Looking forward to the New Year



2017 was a year of change for me. I started my career as a nurse and my first real job. It sounds silly but I struggled a lot getting used to working (also working night shifts lol). I got very used to being in school and not having to work… I would love to stay in school forever if IĀ could. Most of what I struggled with was the stress of my job and figuring out a way to deal with it. One thing they tell us over and over again as health care professionals is self-care, with any job this is important but especially with what we see and go through working so closely to very sick patients and their families. I started traveling more and having at least one vacation booked a month. It doesn’t have to be somewhere far, even a short three-day vacation to palm springs or the beach is perfect. I’m fortunate with my job that I can make my schedule work, so I can have a couple of days off or take more vacations than most people.

One of my New Year resolutions this year was to travel at least once domestically and once internationally.. I’m very happy that I was able to travel a lot this year. I went to Seattle, San Fransisco, Tulum, Tahoe, Paris and New York.

My New Year resolutions for 2018: Get back into my workout routine, take a dance class, to be more present in my life, try new restaurants (I get in the habit of eating at the same 3 places), have date night at least once a week, take a cooking class and cook more.

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year. I’m really looking forward to 2018. It’s going to be a great year!!



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