Manny and Mo

Washington, DC


Chase is going to Law school in the Fall and he has already been accepted to a few schools, a couple in the DC area, so we decided to make a trip and visit DC, to see the schools and to see if we could live there.

The last time I visited DC I was in 8th grade and I went with my school. It was such an amazing trip, till this day I always think about how much fun I had. I’ve always enjoyed US history so I was pretty excited to visit the museums, monuments, and national buildings back then but now that I’m older I’ve been wanting to go back since I have a different appreciation.

The weekend we visited, the government shutdown so we weren’t able to see everything we wanted to, but luckily we decided to go into the capital building, go on the tour and visit the library of congress before it shutdown. They also kept all the monuments and the Smithsonian open but we both really wanted to go into the national achieves…. I guess we will have to wait until we move there 😉 JK well maybe

We wanted to do touristy stuff but we also wanted to get a feel of how it would be if we lived there. One of the schools we visited is 10 minutes outside of DC in Virginia so we were able to walk around the Arlington area and get lunch. We also went to Georgetown and walked around, did some shopping and had an amazing brunch at Martin’s Tavern where a lot of presidents ate and where JFK proposed to Jackie Kennedy 🙂 Georgetown was my favorite part of the trip. It’s a small section of DC that is made up of a lot of small brick buildings lined in rows. The downtown area has a lot of shopping, bars and restaurants. We also visited Georgetown University that sits looking over the Potomac River. The school is absolutely stunning! The main building looks like it could be in London.

We also went to the Women’s March.. WOW. What an incredible experience. I’ve never felt so inspired and moved. I’m so happy we decided to visit when we did. It will be an experience that I will always remember and share with my future children and grandchildren.

One of the nights we were exhausted so we ordered food and took it back to our hotel to watch Netflix (which is a typical night for us lol) which is definitely something we would do if we live there.
Anyways, I had an amazing trip. I really liked DC a lot and I could totally see us living there. We both are city people and it has a small city feel, which I like. I also really liked how clean it is and how nice the metro is. I don’t want to get too excited because Chase is still waiting to hear back from other schools but we should know soon where we will end up living 🙂

xxxx- Mo


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