Manny and Mo

Black Bean Salad Wraps



Black Bean Salad Wrap Recipe:

This recipe is great when you have a busy schedule, it’s super quick and doesn’t take a lot of ingredients, and it’s delicious 🙂

You can do a lot with this, you can make wraps with lunch meat, lettuce, or eat it plain, that’s what I love about it. You can take it for lunch and switch it up each day so you don’t get bored with it.


  • 1 can of black beans (depending on how many people and how long you want it to last, if I want it to last a week for myself I use 2 cans).
  • 1 can of corn (same as above, depending on how much you want).
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 jalapeno 
  • Cilantro (I personally hate cilantro but it gives it flavor).
  • Lunch meat or butter lettuce wraps (I use tofurky since I’m pecatarian and I make 3 wraps)

With a sauce pan heat the black beans and corn, once finished mix them together in a bowl. Cut the green bell pepper and jalapeno into small diced pieces and add to the bowl. If using cilantro, snip the leaves with your fingers (you can also you scissors if you like) and add to the bowl. Once everything is added, mix everything together and serve how you like!

I add hummus and sriracha on top of mine 😉








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