Manny and Mo

2022 Resolutions


2021: The Year of Change and Growth 

This year I learned to focus on my well-being— to slow down and prioritize my health and happiness. To choose how I show up, what I fill myself up with, and who gets let into my space. Anything that doesn’t serve me anymore, to not be afraid to let it go. And If I’m being honest, I’m still learning to be more mindful of this. And to set my boundaries, so that I can live every day with these intentions. As this year comes to an end I’m excited to bring this energy into the new year, and really focus on choosing what makes me the best version of myself. Not only for me but for all the people that I love. 

2022 Resolutions

I love making to-do lists, so naturally I love making resolutions for the New Year. And as much as I love making them, I also like to look back on the ones I made for this past year. I like to see if I was able to tackle any of them. If my priorities changed from the start of the year to the end. How much I’ve grown in certain areas, and where I would like to grow more in others. I try not to get hard on myself if I didn’t make a dent in one of my resolutions. Clearly something else had my attention more. Rather than beat myself up about it I like to ask why it didn’t happen? and what I can do in the next year to make it happen? (if it’s something that I still really want). 

Eat Healthy: What I mean by this is to consistently eat all the nutrients I need in a day, specifically greens. I eat decently healthy food but I’m not aware of what I’m actually putting in my body / what my body needs. This sounds horrible but it’s true and I feel like so many people can relate. I want to be more mindful of processed sugars and other nasty ingredients and limit them. But let’s be real, I’ll still allow myself to cheat here and there, but when I do I’ll choose healthier options.

I also cleaned out my fridge and pantry and I’m going to stock it up with organic foods only. I usually try to when I can but I want to make an effort to only buy organic. Since becoming a Sakara Ambassador this year, I’ve learned so much about food and how I want my relationship with food to feel. Bottom line is, I want to feel good from the inside out. I don’t care about being skinny, I want to be healthy. 

Live More Sustainably: The effects of global warming and the lack of urgency or even the acceptance that it’s real scares the s**t out of me. I don’t want to make this political or get into it so I’ll save more of that for another post. I’m no saint and I know that I can be better, that’s why I want to be more mindful and do what I can to live more sustainably. I have a list of ways that I want to do this, so I think I’ll make a blog post about it. 

Volunteer/Become A Mentor: Giving back to the community is very important to me and I want to make more time to do it. Volunteering with The Boys & Girls Club this year really inspired me to volunteer more and find an organization that is near and dear to my heart, specifically Domestic Violence (DV) and the homeless. I’ve found a local DV organization that I’m hoping to volunteer with next year and to work in a one-on-one capacity. 

Plan Regular Date Nights: Something that used to be a norm before law school, inconsistent schedules, pre-pandemic, life in general were regular date nights. Our date nights now consist primarily of making dinner and watching a movie, don’t get me wrong I LOVE to do that but we definitely need to get out of the house more and enjoy quality time with each other. 

Find Happiness Daily: Like I said in the beginning of this post, it’s up to you to choose your happiness. Every day is not going to be a great day but by changing your mindset and finding the little things that make you happy will. I can say this so many times but to apply it to my life is a different story and I definitely want to work on it in the new year. 

Read More: I say this every year and never end up reaching my goal. But I have a good feeling that 2022 will be the year!! My goal every year is to read at least a book a month, this year I read 2. My main culprit is watching TV instead. The goal for 2022 is to watch less and find a healthy balance so I can enjoy both. 

I have a few more but I think I’ll stop here so I’m able to work hard on these and not feel overwhelmed to do everything. 2022 is going to be a great year, I can feel it!  I’m excited to grow more in my career, spend quality time with Chase, travel, and maybe start a family towards the end of the year. I hope you guys are able to take the time and reflect on this year. And make resolutions for 2022, and if you do I would love to know what they are. 

Happy New Year!




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