Manny and Mo

5 Small Habits I Swear By


Make Your Bed Every Morning 

I already know the people that think this is a waste of time are rolling their eyes. I get, it sounds silly. However, I think it’s the first step to starting your day and should be added to your morning routine (If it already isn’t). It makes me feel productive, my bedroom feels cleaner, and it’s a small task that makes me feel like I have my shit together (even if I have a million overdue tasks). Try if for a week and if you still hate it, learn to love it.! 

Wash Your Face Every Night

A routine that can easily slip if you’re feeling tired or that you don’t have the time, but it’s important! You don’t need to spend an hour or even 30 minutes on it either. Give yourself 10 minutes to wash your face (yes, even if you didn’t wear makeup) and apply your beauty products. I wish I had the discipline that I do now when I was younger, but you live and you learn. And you better believe that on the nights when I’m drunk, I still wash my face. If this isn’t part of your nightly routine already, make it! You’ll thank yourself when you’re older. 

20 Minutes Of Movement Daily 

It’s important to be active for so many reasons – I don’t think I need to go into detail here. Per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week”. On top of this, the CDC also recommends “that American adults do at least two days of muscle-strengthening activity per week”. Getting at least 20 minutes of movement daily is 10 minutes shy of the recommended activity per week. 

You can go on a walk, a bike ride, do a quick workout – I like doing Melissa Wood Health workouts because they range from 6 to 45 minutes, depending on how much time you have. There are no excuses, everyone has 20 minutes to move. You’ll feel better and have more energy.

No Social Media For 30 Minutes In The Morning 

This one is hard to break because our lives revolve around our phones, especially social media. But let me tell you, doing this will make your day so much better! When you wake up have a routine, this helps from keeping you off your phone. 

My routine: My alarm goes off, I get up (after 2 snoozes usually, or 3) and I make my bed, brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I make coffee and a small breakfast. I try not to check my emails while I eat, but if I do I’ll check to see if there is anything important to address, if not I’ll wait until later. After I eat I’ll either mediate or sit on the couch and finish my coffee and that’s when I look at social media. If I have to post on Instagram at a certain time, I’ll post it and then put my phone down, 

Everyone’s routine is different, so find something that works for you. The point of this is not to go on social media first thing when you wake up. 

Drink Water

If I don’t have enough water during the day, I feel it and so does my skin. My goal is to drink 2.5 to 3 L of water per day. I know some people have a hard time drinking water or forget to keep track. I bought a clear bottle that’s 32 oz. and has lines of how much you should drink by what time (for those that need the extra help), but if you don’t need the help, it’s cute and cheap. I’ll link it here. Drinking enough water is something that people often to do and it’s so important for your body. Not only will you feel hydrated, but your skin will also be too. 


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