Manny and Mo

Ways To Get Yourself Out Of A Funk


We all go through a funk now and then. Sometimes there are no explanations as to why either, which makes them feel worse. Over the years I’ve learned to accept them and try really hard not to feel upset with myself when I’m going through one. I look at it as a way of my body telling me to slow down, take a break, and prioritize my well-being. 


I give myself a day to chill and give my body what it needs, and sometimes more if it’s needed. Then each day I incorporate one task that makes me happy – something small that gets me moving. I hate using the word task but when you’re feeling like crap everything feels like a task. Each day I add more tasks (depending on how many I’m up for) until I feel like myself again. Everyone is different, what task and how many will depend on what you need.


Here are 20 ways to help get you out of your funk:


+ Sign up for a new workout class to try

+ Take a long shower 

+ Do your full skin care routine 

+ Read

+ Go on a 30 minute walk / run

+ Talk on the phone with a friend 

+ Go on Pinterest for inspo and create boards 

+ Go to your favorite restaurant and pick up food

+ Watch your favorite movie 

+ Organize a drawer or room – I usually start small and then end up going through the whole house

+ Create a vibe – light a candle and play music 

+ Journal – three things you’re grateful for and three things that would make today great

+ Go on a hike 

+ Find a new recipe to try, buy the ingredients, and make it

+ Meditate 

+ Go to the mall and buy yourself something new – get yourself excited about planning a day or night to wear it

+ Date night with your significant other or bestie 

+ Staycation – Have a few friends tag along and book a night or two at a hotel you’ve been wanting to stay at

+ Get a massage or facial 

+ Make someone else’s day – pay it forward, check in on a loved one, or tell someone how proud you are of them / how much they mean to you. 


What are some things you do to get yourself out of a funk?


(Note: If this is more serious and is affecting your appetite, sleep and/or relationships, or you’re having negative thoughts (hurting yourself or someone else), please talk to your medical doctor). 

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