Manny and Mo

15 Facts About Me


1. I’m originally from a small town in southern California (La Verne) and lived in Los Angeles for 3 years before moving to Arizona. I lived in Arizona for 3 years and recently moved back to SoCal. 

2. I’m the oldest of 2 sisters, Rebecca and Sarah, and a brother, Manny, who passed away 11 years ago from a compromised immune system.

3. My blog, Manny and Mo, is named after my brother and my nickname Mo (only my immediate family uses it). I started my blog 11 years ago as a way to keep a diary of my life, and as a tribute to my brother. 

4. I’m married to my wonderful husband, Chase. We’ve been together for 9 years and married for almost 4 years. We grew up in the same city and knew of each other, but didn’t hang out until we were in college. 

5. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing. I was a pediatric nurse for 5 years before I left my job to become a full time content creator. I worked on the Cardiac unit in Los Angeles and the Rehab unit in Phoenix. 

6. My favorite city is New York. I’ve always wanted to live there and hope to someday. Before the pandemic, I was visiting at least once a year. I recently just visited for my 30th birthday! 

7. I’ve been a pescatarian for 11 years. 

8.I’ve traveled to 9 countries and 27 states.

9. I hiked Mt. Whitney (the tallest peak in the continental US). 

10. I’ve driven across the United States 4 times. 

11. I grew up in the mountains until I was 8 years old. 

12. I was homeschooled for 1 year (2nd grade). 

13. My favorite food is sushi and my favorite cocktail is a gin and soda or espresso martini (with gin of course).

14. I took piano lessons for 8 years. 

15. I ran a half marathon last March. 

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