Manny and Mo

Tips For Working From Home


It was an adjustment when I started working from home and it took me a bit to figure out what worked for me and what didn’t. After 8 months I finally feel like I have a good work set up and routine. Here are some tips that helped me: 

Continue Your Daily Rituals 

It’s important to continue with your morning routine. And since you don’t have a commute, you get some extra time for yourself. I love to meditate or sit on the couch and enjoy a cup of coffee before I fully start my day. It’s also important to get ready and dressed. That doesn’t mean you have to have a full face of makeup and a cute outfit. I wash my face, apply my morning products and a cc cream so I feel some what put together. I either put my hair in a bun or ponytail and depending on what I’m doing for the day will dictate what I wear. But I usually wear something comfortable – Sweat set or workout set.


Set Boundaries 

Something I struggled with (and still do), is once I’m done working for the day, to actually stop working. If I have a hard deadline or something that has to be done, I’ll get it done and work while Chase and I hang out together. But once Chase is home from work, I stop working and mute my notifications for the night. This is a feature on iPhones that I absolutely love!! You’re able to customize it so you can keep some notifications on if you need to. I also use it to set my bedtime and monitor my sleep schedule. 

Another work boundary that’s important to set is taking a lunch break. I usually give myself 30-40 minutes and don’t do any work during this time.

Change Of Scenery

Sometimes you need other human interaction or a change of scenery. I like to work at a coffee shop on days that I feel this way. If you’re able to do this, I’ll ask a friend to grab a quick lunch. If this isn’t possible you can FaceTime during downtime or while you’re on your lunch break. Luckily I have a more flexible schedule so it makes it easier to do these things. 

Proper Set Up

You may not have an office at home to be able to work from; However, it’s important to have a space that you’re able to set up everything that you need and that feels comfortable to work from. Try and designate an area so that when you’re done working you have some separation within your living area. If you do have an office / desk that you can work from, make sure that it’s set up in a way that makes you feel happy and motivated.

Take Advantage Of Your Perks

Like I said in the beginning, you don’t have a commute, so use this time for yourself. Whether it’s getting ahead on a project, having a slow morning, going to a workout class, catching up on your favorite show. Whatever it is that you choose, make sure you take advantage of the perks from working at home.   

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