Manny and Mo

2023 Resolutions


It feels like yesterday that I was writing my 2022 resolutions, and as exciting as it is to start a new year, time seems to be flying by faster and faster as each year goes by. I guess that’s why we’re told over and over again to appreciate every moment we have, the good and the bad…. because one day we’ll wake up and 40 years will have passed. I know it sounds a bit dramatic, but if I’ve learned anything over the years—especially this year—it’s that all we have is the present and to appreciate everything we have and the people in our lives that make each day brighter and more meaningful.

Before I get into my 2023 resolutions, let’s recap this year and my resolutions I made a year ago. 

My health was my biggest priority and biggest resolution, so I put a lot of work into it. I started going to pilates 3-4 times a week and incorporating a morning routine of meditation, journaling, and skin care. I dedicated a couple hours a week to self-care either by reading, walking, listening to a podcast, or catching up on a TV show. I also focused on clean eating, researching food and understanding its impact on my body, and finding supplements that will help me feel my best.

Along with all of this, I’ve focused on creating boundaries, being a better wife, friend, and daughter, and dealing with the grief that I never allowed myself to process when my brother died. These have definitely been the hardest to work through, but have by far been my biggest growth. I’m still a work in progress, but if I’m being honest, I always want it to be that way. Because it means that I’m constantly growing and learning, while also allowing myself the space I need to do so. 

As 2022 comes to an end, I’m reminded of so many great things that happened this year. I moved back to California, spent 2 weeks in Italy, celebrated Chase’s 30th birthday, traveled throughout the country, celebrated weddings and engagements of family and best friends, and spent quality time with all the people that matter most to me. 2022 was truly magical and I can’t wait for all the beautiful new memories 2023 will bring! It’s also the start of a new decade for me – the year that I turn 30!!! 

I wish you the best in 2023, and I hope you are able to take the time and reflect on this year. If you make resolutions for 2023, I would love to know what they are. 



  • Be on time  
  • Mediate at least 4x/ week 
  • Spend more quality time with Chase 
  • Read 2x books/ month 
  • Work closely with a non profit 
  • Better work / life balance 
  • Business growth 
  • Slow down 
  • Go to therapy

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    Waiting patiently for you to come home and fuck me!

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