Manny and Mo

My Daily Non-Negotiables


In a perfect world there would be enough time in a day to get everything done – work related tasks, appointments, self-care, quality time with partner/family, ect. Everyone’s day-to-day looks different, but I’ve found that having a non-negotiables list helps me feel in control – especially on days that are hectic  or if I’m feeling unmotivated.

 The list doesn’t need to be fancy or long. At the end of the day, think about what made your day better or what would have made it better. After a week (or two) of doing this, you’ll start to notice a pattern. Of course some of your non-negotiables will change, it may be week-to-week or even day-to-day. But the most important thing is to feel that the absolute necessary ones are met, so at the end of the day regardless if it was good or bad, you did something for you!

My non-negotiables:

  • Move my body 
  • Skincare routine – AM (ice) / PM
  • Drink 3 oz. of water 
  • Breakfast routine – coffee, breakfast, & supplements 
  • Time with Chase 
  • 20 minutes of quiet time – read, meditate, sit & relax

Move my body -

I try to work out 5 days a week – whether that be a pilates class, flow from Melissa Wood Health, or a run. However, some days I don’t have the time or I don’t feel motivated. If this is the case, I either go on a quick walk (15 to 20 min) or I do a quick pilates flow (5-10 min). Even though it’s short it’s a way for me to get some sort of movement in for the day and I always feel better after.

Skincare Routine -

My skin routine has always been a priority to me, even if I’m too tired (or drunk) to do it. If I have more time then I’ll take my time with it – apply a sheet mask and use one of my skin tools. If I don’t, both my morning and night routine can get done in less than 5 minutes. I put ice next to my AM routine because I use an ice stick on my face right when I wake up. It helps me wake up and I do it while I use the bathroom and brush my teeth (I love to habit stack).

Drink 3 Oz. of Water -

Water is the answer to everything…. Literally. Every time I go to the doctors, one of the first questions is always “How much water are you drinking?”. I’ve never had an issue with the taste of water, but more so remembering to drink a lot during the day. I know that it’s a common issue and luckily there are so many water bottles on the market that are functional and make it fun to keep track. I caved and bought the Stanley cup at the end of last year and it’s one of the best purchases i’ve ever made. It’s not scientifically proven but it’s guaranteed to make you drink more water.

Breakfast Routine -

My breakfast / morning routine is sacred to me. Like I mentioned before, if I have the time I’ll enjoy myself but most of the time I give myself 30 to 45 minutes. I love to make my breakfast, which usually is oatmeal with fruit. I make my coffee and take all my vitamins and supplements. And then I enjoy this on my patio if the weather is nice or sit in the living room and enjoy it. I’ll read my emails, engage on social media, or do anything that needs my immediate attention.

Time with Chase -

We try to eat dinner together, either go on a walk, or hang out in bed before we go to sleep. We schedule date nights frequently but I try to find moments throughout the day to be present with him, even if it’s for a few minutes.

20 Minutes of Quiet Time -

I use this time either to read before bed, meditate, take a bath – basically any self-care activity that I’m craving that particular day.

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